services and offerings

Intertwining the various ancient wisdoms of the world and universe we will tap into your ultimate power and healing capabilities. Stepping further into your divine destiny and remembering who you are, what is yours, and just how infinitely powerful you are.

Herkimer Diamond

1 Hour — (Suggested donation $120)

A gift to yourself of powerful activations personalized to your own divine energetic blueprint. Together we face your blocks and flip turn them upside down into the higher activation you’re aiming for. Navigating with finesse and clarity you are given the answers you seek. Unraveling these mysteries provides insight into new gifts coming online.

Akashic Wisdom

1 Hour — (Suggested donation $240)

A truly open book reading with the Cosmos, providing self-discovery and personal growth. You’ll receive wisdom and insight that will empower you to take control of your life and make informed decisions based on your soul’s wisdom. Whilst gaining a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose and mission, allowing you to align further into your highest potential.

Gift of Prophecy

(Suggested donation $300)

Weaving the words of your own wisdom and insight channeled from your Higher Self and written into book form. Your prophetic story line and other significant life focuses such as archetypes, astrological relations, and basic human life subjects. Consult & follow up session included.

Soul Journey

2 Hours — (Suggested donation $150/each)

Utilizing the multidimensional nonlinear time space continuum to heal and be healed we break down patterns and free yourself into the creator universe. Here is where you’ll get regressed into various lives, journeys, and personal experiences. Every session includes a personalized meditation and tools to process. Four journeys available.

• The Inner Path – gentle hypnosis & processing of a past life
• The Wisdom Within – deep regression into comprehensive healing
• The Timeless Self – moving beyond time & space into a past & future life
• Beyond the Veil – visit a galactic lifetime & reap the benefits of life on another planet

Gene Key Oracle

45 Minutes — (Suggested donation $90/each or $240/all)

With the power of channeling, tarot, and oracle we divinely intertwine the knowledge of the Gene Keys and receive a delectable gift for your advancement in understanding yourself, your shadows, and the paths to achieving Siddhic states. Other pathways are available upon request.

• Pearl Activation – integration of lack into lavish in all aspects pertaining to the soul
• Activation Sequence – become your own teacher with self-discovery and transformation
• Venus Pathway – speed up & bring ease to your journey & the ability to understand karma, suffering, and transmutation

Give a Gift

Give the gift of alchemy and healing. Available for any service by donation basis. This can be issued as a mail away gift, an e-mail, or promotional code.


Energy happens, we both reserve the right to cancel and reschedule and find when the energy is vibe, should other circumstances arise.


Tarot or Akashic reading?